Supriya Chauhan
3 min readAug 17, 2020


5 Ways Ayurveda Helps Us Heal & Maintain Sanity Amidst the Pandemic Scare

Ayurveda — popular as the ‘oldest recorded wisdom on earth’ — indeed is a gift to the mankind. It works holistically, preserving vitality inside those with good health, while eradicating illnesses in the unwell.

Originated from vedas, Ayurveda focuses on prevention and healing. It advocates maintaining optimum health by creating a right balance of body, mind and consciousness by following disciplined lifestyle, dietary changes, right thoughts and usage of herbs. No wonder the importance of this science has increased to manifolds — during the current times — where hygiene has taken the primary seat. While everyone is talking about hygiene, spiritual well-being seems to have taken aback. Few changes and some additions in daily regime can do wonders for our health and sanity. Here’s how these Ayurveda lets you implement these changes:

Rise with Sun
Ayurveda operates with a school-of-thought that we should start our day with the rising sun. They say our digestive fire is automatically in-sync with the sun and designing our eating-habits accordingly, does wonders for our well-being. One can easily get-up at four if he goes to bed before ten in night; practice it for a huge transformation in your temperament.

Walk ‘for’ Life
No matter which ‘walk’ of life are you from, a morning walk is must for every human, according to Ayurveda. It says walking is a tridoshic practice because it balances all 3 doshas. Walking for at least 2 miles a day calms the mind and nourishes the senses, while saving our body from unnecessary strain.

Go Fresh, Always.
Packaged and leftover food might be easy on effort but harder to digest. It creates toxins (ama in Ayurveda) and wreaks havoc on your overall well-being. Such unnaturally produced food is devoid of nature’s love and thus makes it tough for our body cells to perform. Thanks to the preservatives added to such edibles. It’s always good to opt for fresh and natural when choosing a meal. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs to let your system absorb all the goodness nature has in store. There’s no meal in the world healthier than a fresh, home-cooked, warm lunch served with love; enjoy it.

Practice Mindful Breathing
The almighty wants us to take a breath of respite among the ongoing chaos. Yes, deep and mindful breathing enhances the flow of oxygen and other vital nutrients across our system. No wonder it improves the quality of life giving you an immediate sense of vitality. And all this, by just breathing right throughout the day? Absolutely.

Practicing the tips mentioned above, alongside the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Ayush (MoU) can reap enormous benefits for your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Stay Indoors and Safe.

